Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pickeirng speaks to Forrest-Lamar Republican Women

Retired Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Charles Pickering spoke to the Forrest-Lamar Republican Women about the Constitution. WDAM reports:
He spoke about the history of the Constitution and its importance in our everyday lives. He also shared his concerns over some studies that show students aren't learning what they need to know about the Constitution and U.S. history. "The Roper organization did a study and found that the seniors from our 55 elite colleges and universities, so-called elite colleges and universities, that those seniors either made a D or an F about the history of our nation," Pickering said. "Thomas Jefferson said that if we expect to be ignorant and free, we expect what never has been and never will be. Our people show an alarming lack of knowledge about our past and that is a dangerous signal," he said.